Don’t give what is holy; don’t throw pearls – December 19, 2021

Command: Do not give what is holy; do not throw pearls

Matthew 7:6    

  6Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

Note: this command does not apply to sharing the gospel. It refers to spiritual insights and truths that those (dogs) who are not following Jesus would not appreciate as coming from Him or those (swine) who would attack, push back or argue with us.

Story: Victory over Moab

2 Kings 2:1 – 15; 3:1 – 24, Victory against Moab (Messengers pp. 71-72)

Audio Message: Do not give what is holy; do not throw pearls

When meditating on the commands and stories, keep these questions in mind:

  • What do I learn about God, Jesus, and/or the Holy Spirit?
  • What do I learn about man/ people?
  • What troubles or bothers me? What does the Holy Spirit reveal to me in light of this?
  • How does the command connect to the story?
  • What is God saying to me (or what should I obey) & what am I going to do about it?
  • Do I have any fears, doubts, or resistance in keeping this command?
  • What does this command reveal about the condition of my heart – what do I really believe and what do I really want?
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